Chicken in the Sin Bin

2014-08-26 16.48.14

One chick so far, mama hen lost two 😦  She is still sitting on about 4 more, poor thing is caged in as where she went clucky was quite high up and we did not like the idea of free falling chicks they would of got down but not up, so we have locked her in the sin bin so she and her chicks would be safe. Its sad as our Rooster “k2” son of “Special K” died just after she went clucky which is a real shame as he was a nice looking Light Sussex Rooster, really big but gentle so we were sad to lose him but he was able to run about a nice big area of grass and had 5 fluffy ladies to keep him warm at night.

Sun rise has been lovely today the frost is crisp on the ground and its going to be a warm sunny day perfect for visiting my son 🙂